Saturday, November 5, 2011

Firewall for OSX Leopard (10.5)

How many of you knew that a Macbook comes with a built-in firewall? Well, it does, and now is the time to take advantage of it.

To configure this firewall, you will need to open System Preferences and click on the Security icon. The Security menu has three tabs: General, FileVault, and Firewall. Select the Firewall tab, which should look like this:

Three radio buttons appear in the box:

Allow all incoming connections stops the firewall from running
Allow only essential services blocks any service from making a connection
Set access for specific services and applications allows the user to set permissions for trusted connections

The last one is probably the best choice for an average user. The + and - box will let you choose which applications are allowed to make connections. Once you activate the firewall, the Advanced button becomes available. Clicking on it will bring up a submenu:

I recommend checking both Enable Firewall Logging and Enable Stealth Mode. A great way to see if the Enable Stealth Mode option is working is to visit the ShieldsUP! website. From the Home page, click on the Proceed button, and choose All Service Ports. A quick run of my ports aced the test:

This configuration should be done with administrator privileges to avoid any changes being made, and don't forget to click the Lock icon when you are done!

*Answers to last week’s quiz:
1)d 2)b 3)c 4)d 5)b

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