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This seems a little counter intuitive, but I want to address the topic of what cybersecurity really is as my final post in this class.
When the topic of cybersecurity comes up in conversations, there tends to be some confusion as to what it entails. While knowledge about networking is crucial to be successful in cybersecurity, it is only one piece of the puzzle.
When the topic of cybersecurity comes up in conversations, there tends to be some confusion as to what it entails. While knowledge about networking is crucial to be successful in cybersecurity, it is only one piece of the puzzle.
I started the cybersecurity program with a background in information management. I chose cybersecurity because it is a specialized area of information management, and I loved working with the tools and methodologies. I have family that worked in law enforcement, so I guess you could say I am continuing the family business, albeit in a different environment. Cybersecurity professionals have different types of skill sets, just like any other field. Diversity is the key to having a successful team, and cybersecurity is no different.
As I complete the final phase of my education, I am better equipped to articulate my thoughts and proficiencies in all areas of cybersecurity. In addition to networking, this includes social
engineering, computer forensics, physical security, threat modeling,
risk management, disaster recovery, etc. The list is endless, and those were only the high-level
I am excited to go forth and make an impression in the cybersecurity field. There is so much more I would like to share, so please feel free to leave a comment anytime. I would love to hear from other cybersecurity professionals, or folks who just want to know more.
I am excited to go forth and make an impression in the cybersecurity field.